Brad Clayton 19th February 2008

Lori & Evan, Until I watched Anna's memorial, I had never "truly" grieved over your loss because I have been at such a distance. Although both of you have been frequently in my thoughts and prayers over the past several months and I felt great pain for both of you, I was deeply touched by Anna's pictures and even more so by her special little spirit. In a very real way, little Anna has come to life in a very special place in my heart. Also, seeing Jack hug your tummy was especially difficult (and remarkably special at the same time) as I stopped to pause and reflect on how I had never considered how he has handled the loss of his little sister all of this time. Lori and Evan - Thank you! Thank you for posting this memorial. Thank you for allowing me (and others) to reflect on Anna's life. Thank you for allowing me to mourn (even if its infitesemal in comparison) along side you. Little Anna has truly touched my heart...